
Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Simpler is sometimes better.

What do I mean when saying; "Simpler is sometimes better."

turkey and bow
I've taken lots of game with firearms,
but taking this turkey with my bow means more.
I'll try to explain:
  • Many of us like having gadgets! Some pay thousands of dollars for sun roofs, navigation, hands free blue tooth phone connection in a car and then can't or don't use them.
  • In my "Buchanan Photography" blog I've noted that buying an expensive DSLR camera does not always lead to making better pictures.
  • We like cool gadgets or tools, and they do most often make it easier to accomplish what we want.
But easier does not always equal more fun! Too Easy is soon... Boring.

  • I enjoy casting lures into pockets, around logs, stumps... when fishing. Making a good cast is somewhat entertaining. Trolling from a big fine boat, in open water, unless I'm catching lots of fish, I find that boring.

  • I enjoy plinking at almost anything with a simple slingshot for several reasons:

    1. When I make a good shot, I am more involved in the shot with the simple tool, I, not the tool did it.
    2. Even a miss with the slingshot, I can see the ball's flight, and there is something beautiful about that.
    3. No big disturbance to the natural, no loud "bang!", big impact, more natural, more fitting.
    • Shooting my recurve bow Is much the same as the slingshot but I must recover arrows.
    • Hunting and getting within bow range of a deer is an accomplishment even without a kill.
    • Taking a deer with my .243 is still fun, but no longer much challenge.
    • I've also enjoyed putting together a great squirrel rifle, including the scope, and ammo combination, but with experience taking a squirrel that way can become too easy.
    We approach most task in two ways:
    1. We continue to find ways to improve our skills with the tools we are using.
    2. We continue to find or buy tools which help us to accomplish the task more easily.
    3. With simpler tools we may use both strategies, but the emphasis is on #1.
    Simpler offers a more direct connection between the task, the accomplishment, and the user.
    • For hunting simple tools such as the slingshot and the bow require more skill.
    • To my mind simple also offers a greater reward to the user.
    • I'll continue to love guns and gadgets, but simpler is often better for me.

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